Don't forget about the music!
Can't help but have a video game approach to making music, so I suppose I can slot most of my songs under the #chiptune genre.
“Tracks that make me nostalgic for games I could have played, but really, they take me to all kinds of levels, whether platforms, side-scrollers, or top-down shooters!”
My pace is still the same when it comes to writing music. I've started tunes that I haven't touched in years while I keep coming up with new ones. And what's funny is I'll finish these fresh songs faster than the older ones. Though, I haven't forgotten about any of them.
Not Exactly #8bit, but still....
You might understand where I'm coming from once you clock on over to the MUSIC tab at the top of the site and to run through what's there. When I ask people what each song reminds them of, I get all kinds of answers. Some of them are close to what I was thinking about when I wrote them, but again, what I have in mind when I start a song doesn't always carry over to the finished product.
It's either a riff or a style I'm working with when I sit down in front of the computer. I'll start picking out synths and drum sounds, and when I start putting rhythms down, it drags me where it wants to go.
Before I publish a song, I have to come up with some art for the track icon. Going with the whole video game theme, I try to think of old NES cartidges and bust out some fun #pixelart. Got three songs that are close to finished. Maybe you can get a hint as to what they might sound like by the depictions so far. Yeah, haven't finished the art yet, either.