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Formatting and releasing!

Previous news stated my process of reformatting and releasing a second edition of my cyberpunk novella, Karma Worm. I even revealed the cover art.

But now....

How about I reveal the cover art for all my newest releases!?


Three books at once!

Is that why I haven't updated my news blog for the past month? Why yes. Yes, it is! Now you may be wondering....

When were these books written? And in addition, are they even edited?

"Let's sit down and have a chit-chat."

As you might know, Karma Worm and Hoodwink have been published and available for a while now, but what about this funny-sounding Japanese title? Well, as a matter of fact, that book, right along with the other two, has been written for a long time, too!

Right now, I can't recall what YEAR I wrote "Kakehashi", but it's been sitting on my external hard drive all this time. As you might know, I have maaaany 1st drafts, 2nd drafts, even 3rd drafts of other books on my hard drive. This one just happened to rise up in my memory banks recently, and POOF! It got published. It was edited all those years ago, as well. I just wasn't ready to put it out in the world.

There's a reason for that.


I'm not very good at marketing. With the several titles I have out now, I have my hands full just trying to promote them. They all sort of fall under the Fantasy genre, but I wouldn't exactly call them conventional. So while I'm searching the internet for an audience for those books, I have others on back-log, so to speak.

"But a funny thing happened a few weeks ago."

I've been wanting to play a PS4 Pro game called Ghost of Tsushima for a while, and one day, I just picked it up.....

....and I've been hooked ever since.

Now I'm revisiting knowledge of feudal Japan and all the stories I've read, and BOOM! I remembered my little Japanese story.

Back when I purchased an encyclopedia of Camillia flowers, I stumbled across one that immediately tied into a story idea I already had floating around. Long story short? The book includes the Japanese name of the flower, so I used it as the title, and everything just fell into place.

And since I was already in the mood to reformat and release my cyberpunk novella, I figured I might as well release Kakehashi too.

Oh, but fables!

Taking in consideration the folklore-type story that Kakehashi might be, I started thinking of my dark fantasy novelette, Hoodwink. Seeing a common theme, I decided to format Kakehashi into a pocketbook like Hoodwink. These small stories suddenly became the start of a new section of novels.


Yep. It's as simple as that. And no, they aren't the only two stories in this section. Ever since I started getting the idea for this little grouping, the imagination wheels have been turning out some ideas for more small and cozy fables. All of them will be printed in the pocketbook format so they can stand together on your bookshelf.

So there you have it!

I already have the proof copy of Karma Worm. Now I'm waiting on the proof copies of the two fables. I'm trying to get all this done in time for the middle of the year when I start getting back out into the convention scene. I'm eager to present this new gathering of stories! Be on the lookout!

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